Thursday, January 19, 2012

Earth: Chapter One

I have received a great be honest, recently, I've had many great honors. All of which, I feel, deserve their own individual time in the spot light so for now I will focus on just this one.
As a tattoo artist I am continuously amazed at the amount of trust our (the industry's) clientele give us on a daily basis. Unlike a painting, there is no, hang it on a wall for a couple years and store it away until you wanna see it resale value. No collector waiting to scoop it up when your done with it. Our customers commit to our individual products for the rest of there lives. For me it's...well, moving really.
My cousin Phillip has recently committed to one of the, in my opinion, biggest honors that a tattoo artist can receive...a full body suit! there are no obstructing pieces to work around, there is nothing to cover up, and no limitation to creative control. The idea of such a task leaves me speechless.

I have decided to document this process.

The concept is a basic one, each limb is to be a representation of the elements. Earth, Water, Fire, and Wind. All converging into the ethereal realm of Consciousness on the back. the front will be limited to just a chest piece representing the balance of all of the above. Artistically, my job is to translate that into a grouping of images and symbols unique to his and my own understanding of these concepts.

I haven't done any sketching to prepare for the the project as of yet. (that will change of course a little further down the road) Because of my relationship with Phillip and our mutual interest in many of these topics we simply discussed the idea to paint mental pictures and potentials.
This first sitting was to be the Earth element. We decided to represent this with stone carvings based off of mayan sculpture, and nature overtaking theses structures. Here is "Chapter One" of this long journey.

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